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7, 62 Bishop St.
Kelvin Grove
Queensland 4059
T: (+617) 3356 5504
F: (+617) 3356 5869


About Us

ALLBRANDS began back in the dark ages of the early naughties; Jim Drysdale and Lee Cadogan had recently left their cushy government jobs and decided to venture into the risky world of private industry, running their own small business using skills gained in their previous positions. In a hot tin shed they began knocking up replacement cells for these new-fangled salt water chlorinators that were taking the market by storm and as one of the first companies offering generic replacement cells their business boomed.

They have since moved into a bigger, hotter shed and they're still knocking up replacement cells but they now repair pumps and anything else that comes their way. ALLBRANDS repairs or replaces cells for both retail customers and for many of Brisbane's pool shops, if our Kelvin Grove location isn't convenient call us and we'll put you onto your nearest representative pool shop so you can have your equipment repaired by us, through them.

If you need anything pool or pump related please check the site and if you can't find what you're looking for - give us a call! There's a picture and a bit of blurb on each of us below so you'll know who you're speaking with...



Matt is in the ninth year of a three year electrical apprenticeship and we're almost ready to let him change the batteries in a torch. His hobbies are eating and falling asleep during arguments.


Jim is a licensed electrician who specialises in chlorinator repairs; he used to construct electrical 'toys' for the engineering dept. at QUT. Jim was voted "most likely to answer his mobile phone".


Lee looks after pump repairs and has a habit of smiling while recalling something naughty he did over the weekend. Lee was a research scientist at the CSIRO for around 27 years.


Jack is ALLBRANDS resident playboy/ pool service technician. He's good with pool chemicals and pretty mean on the end of a vacuum hose but NEVER get into a car when he's driving!


Aaron is our Workshop Manager who looks after the daily running of repairs. He used to own his own pool service franchise and is an old timer in the pool industry so he will answer any questions you might ask about pools, even if you don't ask.


Our office and accounts are looked after by Alison but she does so much more than making sure we all get paid and hoarding the stationary. Beneath her 'accountanty' exterior is the soul of an artist and Alison's beautiful paintings sell for big bucks.


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