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Damaged Chlorinator

Refer to CHLORINATOR GENERAL INFORMATION page if unsure of terms used below

• No lights/ unit is dead
  o Check power supply to chlorinator
  o If unit has an external fuse check it is not blown
  o If the circuit breaker is external press the button
  o If problem remains clean the electrodes and bring BOTH UNIT AND CELL to Allbrands

• Lights are on but shows low chlorine output
  o Clean the cell so it is free of calcium
  o Ensure electrodes are not damaged or warped
  o Check leads are secure and not damaged or corroded
  o Measure pool salinity and check it is correct for the type of chlorinator
  o If problem remains clean the electrodes and bring BOTH UNIT AND CELL to Allbrands

• No chlorine output
  o Clean the cell so it is free of calcium
  o Ensure electrodes are not damaged or warped
  o Check leads are secure and not damaged or corroded
  o Measure pool salinity and check it is correct for the type of chlorinator
  o If problem remains clean the electrodes and bring BOTH UNIT AND CELL to Allbrands

• Pump not running
  o Plug the pump directly into power outlet to check the pump is working
  o If pump works when not plugged into chlorinator bring BOTH UNIT AND CELL to Allbrands
  o If pump doesn’t work when plugged directly into power outlet then pump is faulty

• Red water flow light
  o Water is visible in the housing
    - Clean calcium off sensor
    - Ensure the sensor is not inside a bubble
    - If problem remains bring BOTH UNIT AND CELL to Allbrands
  o There is no water visible in the housing
    - Pump issue, see Pump Repair page

The owner of this cell wondered why his chlorinator wasn't working!
Allowing this much calcium buildup will kill your cell.

This was amusing if nothing else, to save on the cost of
replacing their cell this person tried to make their own
using wire mesh from the hardware store.


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